308/308L MIG - Product Details - Hobart Brothers

308/308L MIG

Used to weld Types 201, 302, 304 and 308 stainless steels. 308/308L MIG can also be used for joining some dissimilar 300 series steels. Has a low carbon content to help prevent intergranular corrosion.


AWS: A5.9: ER308, ER308L

Data Sheet: English

SDS: English (NA), Spanish (NA), French (NA)

Approvals: ABS, CWB

Product Sizes & Specifications

Part Number Diameter (IN) Diameter (MM) Package Base Metal Welding Process Welding Position
S522508-I26 0.035 0.9 30 Lb (14 Kg) Spool stainless steel GMAW (MIG) flat/horizontal
S522512-I26 0.045 1.2 30 Lb (14 Kg) Spool stainless steel GMAW (MIG) flat/horizontal


Food and Beverage, Petrochemical, Pulp and Paper, General Fabrication


Single and multiple pass, DCEP

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