Hobart® 18AC
E7018 H8 (E4818*)
When looking for excellence in skip or tack welds this is the product. Designed for AC power sources, will work exceptionally well on utility welders.

Hobart® 418
E7018 H4R, E7018-1 H4R
Good general purpose low hydrogen electrode. Easy to use in all welding positions, with excellent arc stability, low spatter levels, and easy slag removal.

Hobart® 7018 XLM
A5.1: E7018-1 H4R
Hobart's 7018 XLM (Extra Low Moisture) is a high deposition rate iron powder electrode designed for DC reverse polarity or AC operation in all positions. It provides excellent operator appeal with a …

Hobart® 718MC
E7018 H4R/E7018-1 H4R (E4818*)
Designed to provide improved deposition rates, bead appearance and operator appeal over other electrodes of the same class when welding in low-temperature environments where low-temperature impacts ar…