Keep Your Operation On Track: Hobart® Filler Metals Support Your Railcar Fabrication Needs.
Longevity. Efficiency. Building a railcar requires materials that withstand the elements. Hobart® ensures your materials are formulated with the right elements. To guarantee you meet your customer’s needs, you need filler metals that you can count on: Hobart® filler metals.
Your welders work hard – Make their job easier with versatile, efficient filler metals.
Quality and efficiency is key to producing effective railcars, so make sure you have the right material for your projects. Choose the best Hobart filler metal from our inventory of materials for every application. We’ll work together to ensure you have the right materials to deliver the quality your customer expects, just like we did for FreightCar America.
It’s the tie that binds LONGEVITY + EFFICIENCY
FreightCar America relies on Hobart® filler metals to deliver quality and efficiency. See why they trust Hobart filler metals to help them maximize their resources and meet customer demands.

FabCO® Triple 7
AWS: A5.20: E71T-1C/M H8, E71T-9C/M H8 A5.29: E81T1-GC/-GM H8
Intended for single and multiple pass applications in all positions. Designed for carbon and higher strength steels.

FabCO® Excel-Arc™ 71
AWS: A5.20: E71T-1C/M H8, E71T-9C/M H8
All position wire for both CO2 and mixed gas. For mild and low alloy steel applications.

FabCO® Element™ 71T1C
AWS: A5.20: E71T-1C/-9C/-12C H8
Engineered as a low Manganese (Mn) E71T-1C product to provide conformance to OSHA requirements and NIOSH and ACGIH recommendations for Manganese. FabCO Element 71T1C provides reductions of Mn in the weld fume of 60-80% over a standard E71T-1C product with low diffusible hydrogen as well as enhanced operator appeal and excellent out of positional capability.

FabCO® Element™ 81K2C
AWS: A5.29: E81T1-GC H8
Designed as a low Manganese (Mn) replacement for E81T1-K2C products. Meets all requirements of E81T1-K2C classification except for the minimum Mn requirement. This product offers reductions of Mn in the weld fume of 60-80% over a standard E81T1-K2C with low diffusible hydrogen as well as enhanced operator appeal and excellent out of positional capability.

FabCOR® 86R
AWS: A5.18: E70C-6M H4
Higher deoxidization elements allow this metal cored wire to have more tolerance for mill scale welding applications

FabCOR® Edge™ XP
AWS: A5.18: E70C-6M H4; A5.28: E80C-G H4
FabCOR Edge XP is a premium gas-shielded metal cored wired that offers X-CEPTIONAL Performance and Productivity. FabCOR Edge XP delivers the high deposition rates and low spatter you expect from a metal-cored wire, plus excellent weld pool fluidity and balanced arc characteristics from which welders of all skill levels can benefit. FabCOR Edge XP’s best-in-class silicon gathering and weld bead contouring help you do great work—and more of it—in less time.

FabCO® TR-70
AWS: A5.20: E70T-1C H8/-9C H8
This wire has low smoke, spatter and excellent operator appeal For mild and some low alloy steels.

AWS: A5.20: E70T-1C/-9C
RXR is an E70T-1 wire that has a higher level of de-oxidizing elements to handle mill scale, rust and other contaminants.