FabCO® 85 - Product Details - Hobart Brothers

FabCO® 85

This wire has a basic slag system and is designed for use where deposit quality and properties are of a first concern. Weld metal hydrogens are very low making this wire more crack resistant than the acid slag types of wires.


AWS: A5.20: E70T-5CJ H4/-5MJ H4

Data Sheet: English, French

SDS: English (NA), Spanish (NA), French (NA), English (EU), Spanish (EU), French (EU)

Certification: Download PDF

Approvals: CWB

Product Sizes & Specifications

Part Number Diameter (IN) Diameter (MM) Package Base Metal Welding Process Welding Position
S647529-002 3/32 2.4 60 Lb (27 Kg) Coil mild steel FCAW (flux cored) flat/horizontal


Agriculture, Construction, Heavy Equipment, Mining, General Fabrication


Single and multiple pass applications with CO2 and or Argon/CO2 gas shielding, Non-alloyed and fine grain steels, Earth moving equipment, Heavy fabrications, Severe service.

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