Tube-Alloy® 240-O
Deposits a chromium-carbide surfacing alloy. Used on components subject to severe abrasive wear and heavy impact.
AWS: No AWS Classification
Data Sheet: English
SDS: English (NA), Spanish (NA), English (EU), French (EU)
Certification: Download PDF
Product Sizes & Specifications
Part Number | Diameter (IN) | Diameter (MM) | Package | Base Metal | Welding Process | Welding Position |
S604019-029 | 1/16 | 1.6 | 33 Lb (15 Kg) Spool | hardfacing | FCAW (flux cored) | flat/horizontal |
Construction, Mining, Heavy Equipment
3 layers maximum, DCEP, Ammonia Knives, Augers, Bucket Teeth and Lips, Bulldozer Blades, Cement Chutes, Crusher jaws and cones, Crusher Rolls, Cultivator Chisels and Sweeps.